Tag: london
(Things I Wish I Knew Before Studying Abroad) Week 4: Language Barriers in London??
One of my reasons for studying abroad in London was “everyone speaks English.” Of course, it was slightly more complicated that that – I wanted a large program, in a big city, through the UF College of Business, that spoke English AND that was culturally least different – so I wasn’t completely overwhelmed. I can’t…
(Things I Wish I Knew Before Studying Abroad) Week 3: Planning Travel During Study Abroad
A week ago, I thought, “it would be helpful to write something about planning travel during study abroad”. Now that I’ve gone and come back though, I feel like it’s such a simple topic and there is hardly anything to say! What I guess this means is that booking travel isn’t actually all that complicated,…
Beginner Street Photography with Meetup
One thing I knew early on that I wanted to do in London is photography. When you’ve lived in small towns your whole life, it is easy to recognize some of the benefits a large city provides to you. Notably, greater access to learn a variety of photographic techniques – and at lower costs. So…
(Things I Wish I Knew Before Studying Abroad) Week 1: What To Know After A Week In London
Back with “Things I Wish I Knew Before Studying Abroad” I’m a week in to my London trip and mostly feeling pretty comfortable even though I’m sure I stick out like a sore thumb as “those Americans.” Top Thoughts about Being in England Buy a SIM. For £15 a month you can have unlimited data – which…
(Things I Wish I Knew Before Studying Abroad) Week 0: London Preparations
*announcers voice* Welcome back to another episode of “Things I Wish I Knew Before Studying Abroad,” or TIWIKBSA, for “London Preparations!” Yes but really, I am quite excited: I get on my first international flight today! Hours of flying and I’ll land in London around 1 am my time, 7 am local. So, before I…
(TIWIKBSA) Week -1: What I Think I Want to Know Before Studying Abroad in London & More About Me
A week out from my departure for London, I’ve had plenty of panic attacks. Luckily, most of them aren’t about the fact that I’ll be in a completely new place… probably feeling completely out of control of my life, and also living with other human beings – which I am notoriously terrible about (OK, self-proclaimed).…
North & South
I told myself not to start any new TV series. I’ve got plenty to catch up on, but all of those I’m at least a season behind on. I’ve gotten into a horrible habit of watching TV before bed though, so I feel bored and restless without a show. Last night, I tried to use Netflix…