Study Abroad Travel: Stonehenge & Bath
Immediately after returning from Belfast (we got home around midnight and had to be on the bus by 8am) a day trip to Stonehenge & Bath was coordinated through my institution. For only £25, it seemed like a pretty good deal! Where I Went Stonehenge and Bath with my flatmates, as an event offered through my organization at…
Study Abroad Travel: Belfast (Giant’s Causeway)
My most nature-connected trip so far has been to Northern Ireland, where I spent 90% of my time outdoors and took over 200 photos. Just two of us went on this trip and I have to say that traveling in pairs has so far been the most enjoyable times for me. Where I Went Belfast,…
Study Abroad Travel: Edinburgh
For the next six days I’ll have some information on the trips I’ve taken. I’m sure those I’ve taken recently will be a little more detailed, but in general the best planning tips are in my previous article, Planning Travel During Study Abroad. Where I Went Edinburgh was my first trip form London, purchased on a…
(TIWIKBSA) Week 8: Shipping Packages from the US to the UK
One of my favorite things now is to get packages from home! Let’s temporarily disregard the fact that I’m definitely not going to be able to get all my stuff back… there’s no way I’d get it all in my suitcase and worse under 50 lbs. But still, it’s so nice to get packages from your…
(TIWIKBSA) Week 7: Studying Abroad Through An Educational Organization Program
First off, sorry for being MIA the past two weeks: I was preparing to go off on our week break… and then I went on it! So now that I’m back I have a whole bunch to share and I’ll be posting every day this week. :) To begin, here is week 7’s post –…
(TIWIKBSA) Week 6: 14 Ways to Stop Driving Your Flatmates Crazy
Having had only two roommate situations, and coming to London to live with 12 people in a teeny tiny flat, I’ve learned this: roommates can be so much fun, and yet such a pain. Sometimes it’s because we didn’t choose them, and we’re finding them to be a different sort than ourselves. Sometimes it’s because we did choose…
(Things I Wish I Knew Before Studying Abroad) Week 5: BOYB Bling Out Your Bedroom (Or “Decorate Your Dorm”)
It was quickly apparent to my 12 London flatmates that I’m a little obsessive. This morning, one of the girls jokingly asked me if I’d taken the Cosmo quiz to find out if I was a control freak. So, unsurprisingly, my first task upon arrival was to unpack my suitcases and get everything organized. A…
(Things I Wish I Knew Before Studying Abroad) Week 4: Language Barriers in London??
One of my reasons for studying abroad in London was “everyone speaks English.” Of course, it was slightly more complicated that that – I wanted a large program, in a big city, through the UF College of Business, that spoke English AND that was culturally least different – so I wasn’t completely overwhelmed. I can’t…
(Things I Wish I Knew Before Studying Abroad) Week 3: Planning Travel During Study Abroad
A week ago, I thought, “it would be helpful to write something about planning travel during study abroad”. Now that I’ve gone and come back though, I feel like it’s such a simple topic and there is hardly anything to say! What I guess this means is that booking travel isn’t actually all that complicated,…
Beginner Street Photography with Meetup
One thing I knew early on that I wanted to do in London is photography. When you’ve lived in small towns your whole life, it is easy to recognize some of the benefits a large city provides to you. Notably, greater access to learn a variety of photographic techniques – and at lower costs. So…
(Things I Wish I Knew Before Studying Abroad) Week 2: Meeting People in a New Place
When coming to London, I knew I obviously didn’t want to spend all my time at home, in bed, or just hanging out with my flatmates (even though I love them). I want to meet people in London, talk to them, make friends. I’m very interested in learning about what makes London different and what…