• Cute Little Apple Pie Rose Bites

    Cute Little Apple Pie Rose Bites

    Have we started noticing my trend, that I think Valentine’s day is really just about me? I mean, Kristofer’s great and all. But holidays are just excuses for him to be sweet to me, and me to be sweeter to me. Right? Since I love apple pie, making a bite-sized apple pie rose seems like an obvious…

  • Black & Pink Pre-prepped Nails: DIY Adhesive Nail Design

    Black & Pink Pre-prepped Nails: DIY Adhesive Nail Design

    It’s no secret that I love to paint my nails. I had to stop posting them on instagram, because my friends just don’t care that much. So no wonder I think Valentine’s day is a great excuse to do them some more! This was even easier, because I made some simple DIY adhesive nail designs while I…

  • Red Velvet Raspberry Filled Cupcakes

    Red Velvet Raspberry Filled Cupcakes

    I am especially pleased with myself for today’s 14 for the 14th: delicious raspberry filled cupcakes given that extra love with a red velvet color. Yes, I slaved away over these in the kitchen. No, they aren’t actually all that hard. Especially when I give you the best time-saving instructions ever. My trial and error is…

  • Keeping it casual Valentine’s Day outfit

    Keeping it casual Valentine’s Day outfit

    Here’s another fashion post, with a more casual Valentine’s Day outfit. Combine a fun red shirt with some winter-white corduroys and pull back the top half of your hair, teasing it just a little. Give yourself a break and look I-didn’t-try-all-that-hard-but-I-am-still-messily-adorable next Friday. I’m wearing white corduroys from Gap and a 70% off red ruffle shirt from Banana…

  • Recipe: Cheesy Risotto for Two

    Recipe: Cheesy Risotto for Two

    The first time I ever tried risotto was in Ireland, when I went to see Giant’s Causeway! Um, YUM. I ordered it again and again during my time abroad, even suffering through some really strong mushrooms in Paris. So here’s a date night suggestion: cheesy risotto for two. Ingredients 1 tbs olive oil 1 medium chopped…

  • Getting Fancy with Beaded Caviar Nails

    Getting Fancy with Beaded Caviar Nails

    To create this beaded caviar nails effect for our 14 for the 14th, you can buy the original from Sephora, get a small kit from another nail brand, or be frugal like me, and just head to your local craft store and buy some micro-beads – it may not cost you any less, but you’re…

  • (TIWIKBSA) Romantic Long Distance Love Letters

    (TIWIKBSA) Romantic Long Distance Love Letters

    I think I’ve mentioned it before, but I’m not a big mushy person. That’s OK to be, right? I love my friends who are super thoughtful and caring, but I’m just not that way myself – even if I wish I were. This extends to my love life. Except occasionally, when I do something adorable, like…

  • Wearing Red Lipstick …and Rocking it

    Wearing Red Lipstick …and Rocking it

    Being perpetually mistaken for a 17 year old (and then feeling like that was generous of the person) has me searching for ways to look more mature. I’ve learned that wearing any lipstick can significantly help me, but wearing RED lipstick is just so much fun. So, of course, my 14 for the 14th has to include a…

  • Red blazer for a Valentine’s Day professional outfit

    Red blazer for a Valentine’s Day professional outfit

    In keeping with our 14 for the 14th theme, here’s an idea for a Valentine’s Day professional outfit: take a classic jean with white sweater combo and put a bright red blazer on top! Combine it with red lipstick and you’ve got yourself a festive, yet classy, ensemble! I’m wearing a dark wash pair of…

  • FSU Game Day Nails // Garnet & Gold for Valentine’s Day

    FSU Game Day Nails // Garnet & Gold for Valentine’s Day

    Happy February first! My Pinterest feeds are full of pinks and reds and the announcement that Valentine’s day is near. So for the next two weeks I’ll be doing “14 for the 14th” – 14 ways to look fabulous for your Valentine – which I always do! :) I’m starting with a nail design that celebrates…

  • The life question: where to next?

    The life question: where to next?

    Now that I’ve graduated college and promised myself that I won’t take a job that I’m not passionate about, I have to admit that the future has become a lot more daunting a thought than previously. I’ve quickly moved from unable to interview anywhere (since I was off in London), applying and interviewing for a…

  • The Mortal Instruments: City of Lost Souls

    The Mortal Instruments: City of Lost Souls

    I recall when I read the first book in this series, I kept rolling my eyes at how ridiculous everything was. By the second book I was like, incest? This is SUPER awkward. And yet I had fallen in love with Jace and Clary, and read on to the third novel. Once the entire plot…