DIY Scrapbook Clock
For our first Pinteresting Weekend at uncommonflock (and before we’d realized we all wanted to create uncommonflock!) Sara, Anie, and I got together to spruce up our office clock into a little more interesting of a design: a DIY scrapbook clock! First, we gathered our supplies: a cardboard box to catch the mess, scrapbook paper,…
Spinach Crescent Rolls
When I was just getting into my Pinterest account, and bored to tears at my father’s house, I was cooking up a snack daily. For some reason, I was convinced I loved Spinach. I mean, it is delicious on pizza!! You know what it’s not great in? Spinach crescent rolls. I will give them that…
Glittered Altoid Tin with a 10-year-old
A couple days ago (or maybe a couple weekends ago), my sister saw me working on my scrapbook altoid tin and wanted to help. Being the awesome sister I am, I shared with her my plans to make a glittered version… which she loved! Thus began my adventures working with a child and glitter: “Glittered…
Upcycled Altoid Tins: scrapbooking and glittering
I’ve carrying around this old pouch for about 5 years now… filled with a variety of objects. Mostly, it’s filled with a bunch of bobby pins, a couple hair ties, chap stick, nail trimmers, bandaids, Neosporin, and a bunch of loose floating pills. So, when my mom bought Altoid tins (remember that Instagram picture from yesterday?)…
This week on… [7/21]
Weekly round-up! Pinterest: I’ve been missing any kind of headboard behind my bed for the past year, and I’ve recently come to terms with the fact that all I really want to put in the time for right now is some spruced-up, light-weight canvas. So I’ve been looking for inspiration! This pasta is supposed to…
Caramel Chocolate Saltine Toffee [as originally posted on uncommonflock.com]
If you follow my personal blog (and let’s be honest, there’s only about 4 people who do so there isn’t a huge likelihood) you know I was in some serious need of caramel & chocolate last Friday. Well, I’ve been wanting to make my own batch of these delicious caramel chocolate saltine toffees my friend Tori brought…
Thoughts: Broke!
I’ve been really good about posting every day, so when I decided to let my blog slide for two days, in order to fully study for my financial accounting exam… I felt a little apprehensive. It just takes the littlest deviation, and soon I’ll be blowing off class every day, and getting low ‘D’s on…
Another Blog: Uncommon Flock
There’s nothing like being the first to love the next big thing, right? Good – go check out uncommon flock! We’ve hardly begun to flap our wings (har har har) but we will be flying soon enough! It’s a brand new blog by myself and 4 co-workers. http://uncommonflock.com Check our cute little girls: Anie! Katie!…
Pizza with Dad
Did you know that Pillsbury makes pizza crust? YUM. You literally just roll it out, add your toppings, and stick it in the oven. My father and I made a plain jane pizza, you can seen some awkward photos here! My father realizing we need to move the pizza from a baking sheet to a…
This week on…
Weekly round-up! Pinterest: This fancy rustic headboard via housetweaking. I really love this color scheme, too! A huge, wonderful floor mirror via etsy. Plus, we still have our gray color scheme going! :p Damon Salvatore (who I never thought I’d love!) via imgfave. Seriously, I thought I’d watch Vampire Diaries as a joke. And now…
Caramel & Bones
Friday should be amazing. Always. So when I woke up tired, went to work tired, sat through an interview tired, and took the slowest bus home tired, I was pretty cranky. (And cranky needs to be read in the most whiney voice. If you know Sara, please read it in her voice.) The fix? All day watching…
DIY Wine Glass Christmas Light project
A few months ago, I stumbled upon this awesome idea to stuff some christmas lights into a wine bottle and call it a day. Don’t ask me how – I wouldn’t even have been able to find this page again if I wasn’t such a huge Google fanatic who only uses Chrome and thus has…