Be Yourself: Walt Disney
Be Yourself. “The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.” – Walt Disney
On the difficulty of art courses
I’m taking a non-major art course, and these are generally pretty basic. But I just don’t like art critiques! I like abstract, self-defined art, and it’s hard for me to explain what my art means to me – it’s personal. And you should make your own meaning for it. Because it will never mean to…
Be Yourself: Maxine Waters
Be Yourself. “I have a right to my anger, and I don’t want anybody telling me I shouldn’t be, that it’s not nice to be, and that something wrong with me because I get angry.” – Maxine Waters
The Excuses of a Busy Girl
About 3 weeks in to the semester, and it’s starting to settle down. For now. Until all the work I’ve been skipping starts catching up with me. And begins ‘the excuses of a busy girl’. But what have I been doing? Well, I’ve been working 31 hours a week, taking 15 credits, and then topping…
Modern Art Deco Nails
Finally, a project: Modern Art Deco Nails! Between classes, traveling, and just plain cleaning up my house, I’ve found that I either don’t have time for fun (seriously, the girls and I discuss in the office how much we’d rather be blogging) or can’t be bothered to take photos of what I do find time…
This week on… [8/11]
Round-up! Go figure, I’m posting a day late, again, and posting for the first time since last Sunday. BUT! I have perfectly good excuses for it. I’ve been traveling, and in NYC, and far too busy to get online and I haven’t made a decision on what I’ll be doing between blogs. So, this week,…
This week on… [8/4]
Weekly round-up! I was sick yesterday. :( But I’m feeling better today! So I’m pretty much torn between blogs right now. I really want to stick with this blog as a personal goal, but I want uncommonflock to succeed, and I know my posts will be more beneficial there! Currently, mostly anything good goes there…
Avocado, Chicken, and Chick Pea Lunch Wrap
I think it’s normal for children to dread what their mother’s prepare for them. I mean, my mother used to think calling red peppers “candies” would magically make me like them. Only most children outgrow this. And I’ve rather grown into it. Instead, I’d prefer to share in the kids meals with my 9 and…
Smores Dip: bananas with chocolate, peanut butter, and fluff
You know what I’ve been noticing recently? That about half of the desserts I want to make recently have called for sweetened condensed milk. Unfortunately, I totally forgot to add it to this recipe… Smores Dip: bananas with chocolate, peanut butter, and fluff! Remember how I mentioned this on Saturday? How I fulfilled my Friday chocolate…
DIY Crown Molding Jewelry Frame
So, call me lazy, but I’ve only worn jewelry just over a dozen times in the last year. Why? Because it has all been sitting, tangled, in a bag ever since I moved into this apartment. Which was a year ago. Almost exactly. (To be completely honest, I only unpacked the last moving box this…
This week on… [7/28]
Weekly round-up! Pinterest: Mostly this week I was useless, and finding just a million more projects I want to start! In particular, Friday I was just craving this easy smores dip, which I added peanut butter to. I’ll share my results with you on Monday! (In summary, YUM!) Do you love avocados? I love avocados. I…