Category: Crafts

  • Why buy quality seed beads

    Why buy quality seed beads

    The question When I was buying my first set of beads for doing crochet work, I didn’t even ask myself “why buy quality seed beads?” The answer seemed obvious: you get more, you get a better brand, and you get a more durable product! Wrong. The answer The real reason you want to buy a…

  • Small Seed Bead Crochet Rope

    Small Seed Bead Crochet Rope

    Size 10 seed beads make a beautiful, thin bracelet that requires a thinner thread to achieve. This bead crochet rope follows the same pattern as yesterday’s double spiral pattern, but at a smaller, more intricate scale. This is just a sample piece, to draw a comparison on the visual differences of bead size. :) I…

  • Bead Crochet: Double Spiral Pattern

    Bead Crochet: Double Spiral Pattern

    Yesterday I shared how to start a crocheted bead rope bracelet, so here’s the finished product! This is using the materials from the introductory crochet beading post, which I would recommend for a beginning project. :) I’ll list them again below! Materials Crochet Hook (Size 10-ish) Crochet Thread (Size 10) 3 Colors Seed Beads (Size…

  • Beginning Bead Crochet

    Beginning Bead Crochet

    As promised, a glimpse at beginning bead crochet for starting your first bracelet project! In these photos I’m using a thin thread with size 10-ish seed beads, but I’d recommend doing your first project with the thicker thread seen in yesterday’s post, and size 6 (read as 6/0 or 6° [degree]) beads. Photo Tutorial Begin…

  • An introduction to bead crocheting

    An introduction to bead crocheting

    Bead crocheting is the process of adding a bead into every stitch of your project. The most common form is a rope-style bracelet that has a wide range of colors, patterns, and sizes. This week I’m going to share five posts introducing you to this project! As with anything I take on, I got obsessed…

  • Glittered Altoid Tin with a 10-year-old

    Glittered Altoid Tin with a 10-year-old

    A couple days ago (or maybe a couple weekends ago), my sister saw me working on my scrapbook altoid tin and wanted to help. Being the awesome sister I am, I shared with her my plans to make a glittered version… which she loved!  Thus began my adventures working with a child and glitter: “Glittered…

  • Upcycled Altoid Tins: scrapbooking and glittering

    Upcycled Altoid Tins: scrapbooking and glittering

    I’ve carrying around this old pouch for about 5 years now… filled with a variety of objects. Mostly, it’s filled with a bunch of bobby pins, a couple hair ties, chap stick, nail trimmers, bandaids, Neosporin, and a bunch of loose floating pills. So, when my mom bought Altoid tins (remember that Instagram picture from yesterday?)…

  • diy fail

    Kris and I have been trying to make this magnetic silly putty. I decided this would be a fun, whimsical idea. Well, ~$40 later we haven’t made it work. We have learned, however, that steel wool can be burned (inefficiently) down to iron oxide… given that you’ve bought the fine stuff (level 0000) and not…

  • kitty

    I’d like to make the above, but with the below.