Category: Cooking
Cooking Spaghetti Squash: The Adventure
When Kristofer was visiting, we challenged ourselves to cook dinner. Hey! That isn’t even the challenging part yet! We needed to: Agree on the meal and Make something healthy. Honestly, that shouldn’t even have been too difficult, right? Well, ideas weren’t exactly flying. Everything Kristofer suggested was unhealthy, and all my ideas were snacks. Plus,…
No Bake Cake!
Because my father is Lactose intolerant and Addicted to Publix’s birthday cake ice cream, I decided it was necessary to try these no milk cake batter truffles. They were delicious! But really, my father doesn’t like truffles, so I should have known these wouldn’t be a replacement. Instead, he’d rather eat a third a carton…
Buffalo Taquitos
via Pinterest or DealWiseMommy. Another wonderful meal made with my Father on Sunday! I’ll tell you a little secret – the cream cheese we used said “Best by Jan 30, 2012”! It was still sealed, so we agreed to try it. We used nearly the entire 8oz, and have since finished the whole batch. No…