Category: Beauty

  • Sideways Dotted Nails

    Sideways Dotted Nails

    I was feeling tired and lazy this afternoon, so I did some sideways dotted nails. Completely unproductive, but absolutely satisfying. With a peach background and coral + gold dots I’m feeling top-notch trendy, on top of it all. In other news, only momentary panic attacks about going off to London in a week. It’s just…

  • A Rainy Day Bun Photo Tutorial

    A Rainy Day Bun Photo Tutorial

    Internet, you only love me for my rainy day bun photos! But whatever, that’s cool, as long as we forget about those awful first photos. Alright? So I’ve gone out of my way to make a better photo tutorial, and I hope we can just move forward from here. ;) So here we are. Hair…

  • Trend Tuesdays: Colorful Pants

    Trend Tuesdays: Colorful Pants

    We’ve seen the colors getting brighter and bolder this summer. We’ve seen it taking over our Pinterest home pages. It’s time we embrace it! Here’s how I’ve been wearing it: Shirt: Banana Republic (Factory sale for $10!) Pants: Express: Stella Legging (currently on sale) Shirt: American Eagle Pants: Gap If you’re perusing Pinterst, you’ll see…

  • Manicure Mondays: Lisa Frank Reminiscent Nails

    Manicure Mondays: Lisa Frank Reminiscent Nails

    It’s when I look at the photo of this nail polish that I can’t get the name “Lisa Frank” out of head. And honestly, I just don’t mind. I mean, who doesn’t want to be looking at so many neon colors they start to go a little cross-eyed? I picked up these two samplers, along…

  • Manicure Mondays: Teal, Pink, Glittered Nails

    Manicure Mondays: Teal, Pink, Glittered Nails

    I had an amazing weekend! Last night Kristofer and I ordered Stevi B’s hot wing pizza and watched rom-coms (specifically Silver Lining’s Playbook and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days). Saturday night I went out with friends, and all day before I was in Jacksonville spending time with Kristofer’s sister and shopping. That’s…

  • Fitness Fridays: 5 Tips To Start Working Out

    Fitness Fridays: 5 Tips To Start Working Out

    Faced with the prospect of thousands of free hours this semester I’ve been doing one other thing besides celebrating: panicking. I’m so bored! So I’ve decided to do what I’ve so often scoffed at: work out. “Me? I weigh approximately nothing. Why would I care about fitness?” Well, because it makes me feel great to…

  • Modern Art Deco Nails

    Modern Art Deco Nails

    Finally, a project: Modern Art Deco Nails! Between classes, traveling, and just plain cleaning up my house, I’ve found that I either don’t have time for fun (seriously, the girls and I discuss in the office how much we’d rather be blogging) or can’t be bothered to take photos of what I do find time…

  • Kristofer’s Nail Fail ;)

    Kristofer’s Nail Fail ;)

    Because Kristofer is leaving me for the next 10 days (yes, I’m counting!), I wanted to take today to rave about how awesome he is. He plays Draw Something with me into the wee hours of the night, until I’m tired enough to fall asleep first. I’m never thirsty when he’s around (not because of…

  • The Coiled Bun

    The Coiled Bun

    First,  I have to point out my standard bald area! :p Now, let’s get on with this awesome hair style from michaelanoelledesigns! I love this style because it’s so easy, but it looks very clean and elegant. Plus get my close up out of the way. ;) Here’s the front! It’s nice and simple, and…

  • Turqouise & Glitter Nails

    Turqouise & Glitter Nails

    I have to admit, I really love my turquoise & glitter design! Fatal flaw? It is nearly impossible to get off your nails! I applied three thin coats of my Essie Turquoise & Caicos, then fairly generous amounts of my Luxe Effects Set in Stone (though again in thin coats). It seemed thicker at the…

  • The Messy Hair Bun

    The Messy Hair Bun

    If you’re looking for a quick way to put up your hair, check out this messy bun tutorial! And then, listen to me: if you suck with your hair, don’t give up hope yet. Obviously, my bun is not ideal. I mean, look at what was going on in the middle of this experiment: Not…

  • Mixed Metals Nails, the attempt of an amateur

    Mixed Metals Nails, the attempt of an amateur

    On my first nail shopping trip (remember that time I spent 120 perfectly good dollars on a new load of nail supplies?), I bought both a gold and bronze color, to attempt recently pinned Mixed Metals from TheBeautyDepartment. TBD uses two shades of gold, but I wanted a little more clash in my colors, so…