Pilot Review: The Whispers | infinite.nu

Pilot Review: The Whispers

The Whispers, formerly known as The Visitors, is a Steven Spielberg series, so I’m sure it’s no surprise the show is about aliens.

First Impressions

Ooh, another thriller! And creepy kids! And one woman, out to solve the mystery! But… aliens? I hate aliens. They’re always a cop-out excuse for not having a feasible plot. (OK, that statement is a little biased and unreserved.)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMG9TMnJfOs]

First Things First.

A black partner for a white woman lead in the business of solving crimes? I think that’s pretty crappy.

These Kids Are Really Dumb

This premise of this show is that aliens can take over the world using kids because the parents dismiss the kids talking to themselves as a game with an imaginary friend – only that game is deadly because the kid tampers with a tree house, or builds a bomb, or something. Right?

So I’m either naive, or optimistic, or correct, but I don’t believe kids would be that stupid! You’re building a bomb, but you don’t think it will go off? You’re weakening a tree house, right where you tell your mom to step, but you don’t think her falling through it will hurt her?

Well, apparently outgrowing this stupidity is called “turning” – when you start thinking about things too much. So this show isn’t portraying all kids as dumb – just the ones that are offspring of the main players in their dastardly plot.

Twists and Turns of Creepiness

This show isn’t creepy because it has aliens in it — it’s creepy because the kids all happen to act like sociopaths. And that’s not because they’re under the influence of aliens… the aliens are just taking advantage of the kids’ latent resentment issues.

If you’re like me, and you love mysteries, decide now if you want to watch this show. Because the first episode is going to hook you. Aliens or no.

Why do the aliens want domination? How do these characters relate? And why them?

Would you watch it?

A science fiction mystery. Wonderful cliffhangers. Do you think you’ll be hooked?

My boyfriend loooooves aliens, and his consensus is, “yeah, I’d watch this one when it comes out.”

I don’t think my patience would last past the first season. Well, that’s not true… I guess if the aliens invaded, and it was then about fighting back, I would keep watching. And I sort of feel like I have to. I mean, I want the answers! (Even though I feel like alien shows are always failures.)

[rating given=”3″ half=”false” possible=”5″]


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