Pilot Review: Madam Secretary | infinite.nu

Pilot Review: Madam Secretary

An American politics drama, Madam Secretary will air during the 2014-2015 season as part of the CBS network.

First Impressions

So up until, like, 3 minutes into this 5 minute trailer, I was really curious about this show. A sarcastic ex-analyst thrown into a high-ranking office? Yeah, I was thinking this show would be interesting without being too much of a boring drama. Then we get to the end of the trailer and it’s the conclusion to the episode! Not that it isn’t obvious, but still! Spoiler alert! I seriously don’t feel like I need to watch to whole episode now.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX-vZysWRVw]

The Trailer Should Have Mentioned the Conspiracy Theory

Really. Wouldn’t that help attract a whole new segment of audience?? There’s a mole in the White House!

Anyway, so far, I feel like the parts of the scenes that were cut from the trailer didn’t add much to the show. I don’t think the 5 minute “first look” was meant to convince me that this show should have be limited to 5 minute episodes… but man, how quick and exciting!

Only Slightly More Exciting Than Actual Politics

Despite having an interesting, relatable main character, this show has some seriously boring parts. Really, I should know more about… politics, history, and geography. These are pretty much my worst subjects.

I mean, we have a 3-5 minute scene discussing “what we should do” as government officials. I’m bored.

There’s actually a big to-do about making this woman use a stylist, all leading up to her leveraging it to create news “bigger” than two kids held hostage by a hostile group. IT’S SO REAL LIFE IT’S PAINFUL.

It’s good – I just won’t be watching it.

  1. My favorite character is the assistant. He’s as sassy as our main character, and he’s constantly saving her ass in the process.
  2. It’s slow, like Homeland slow. I understand that show is regarded highly. It’s just boring!

[rating given=”3″ half=”true” possible=”5″]

Spoiler Alert: My final thoughts during the episode? “Her husband seems sorta ominous.” and “OH NO THE GUY WHO WARNED HER ABOUT THE CONSPIRACY IS DEAD. DUN DUN DUN.”


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