An American politics drama, Madam Secretary will air during the 2014-2015 season as part of the CBS network.
First Impressions
So up until, like, 3 minutes into this 5 minute trailer, I was really curious about this show. A sarcastic ex-analyst thrown into a high-ranking office? Yeah, I was thinking this show would be interesting without being too much of a boring drama. Then we get to the end of the trailer and it’s the conclusion to the episode! Not that it isn’t obvious, but still! Spoiler alert! I seriously don’t feel like I need to watch to whole episode now.
The Trailer Should Have Mentioned the Conspiracy Theory
Really. Wouldn’t that help attract a whole new segment of audience?? There’s a mole in the White House!
Anyway, so far, I feel like the parts of the scenes that were cut from the trailer didn’t add much to the show. I don’t think the 5 minute “first look” was meant to convince me that this show should have be limited to 5 minute episodes… but man, how quick and exciting!
Only Slightly More Exciting Than Actual Politics
Despite having an interesting, relatable main character, this show has some seriously boring parts. Really, I should know more about… politics, history, and geography. These are pretty much my worst subjects.
I mean, we have a 3-5 minute scene discussing “what we should do” as government officials. I’m bored.
There’s actually a big to-do about making this woman use a stylist, all leading up to her leveraging it to create news “bigger” than two kids held hostage by a hostile group. IT’S SO REAL LIFE IT’S PAINFUL.
It’s good – I just won’t be watching it.
- My favorite character is the assistant. He’s as sassy as our main character, and he’s constantly saving her ass in the process.
- It’s slow, like Homeland slow. I understand that show is regarded highly. It’s just boring!
[rating given=”3″ half=”true” possible=”5″]
Spoiler Alert: My final thoughts during the episode? “Her husband seems sorta ominous.” and “OH NO THE GUY WHO WARNED HER ABOUT THE CONSPIRACY IS DEAD. DUN DUN DUN.”
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