Pilot Review: Criminal Justice | infinite.nu

Pilot Review: Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice is an HBO series.

HBO doesn’t have a public trailer, but there’s one from the original BBC series that can be viewed.

I’m already bored just watching this trailer. It’s hard to tell what’s going on both visually and mentally. Clearly, a guy is convicted for killing a girl and for some reason he’s even the people in prison don’t like him. Beyond that, this trailer doesn’t explain much. But I can tell it’s going to be one of those hard shows to watch, being unjust (?) and sad.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbsPj79nAy4&feature=kp]

Similar themes to American Crime

Pretty early on your can see it’s going to be similar to American Crime: it will tackle racial issues, murder, drugs, and more. Of course, it’s got it’s own viewpoint – we’re seeing this story from the convicted criminals perspective, no others.

Impossible to Watch

For me, this show is impossible to watch. It’s painfully boring and slow, with an unbelievably stupid main character. The first five minutes are about this kid and how he wants to go to a party. The next ten are him struggling to drive a taxi and then meeting this really weird girl. Another ten of them doing drugs and having sex. Then we have five or so of this guy running from her murder scene. And breaking in because he forgot the car keys. And stealing the murder weapon and drugs. When he’s finally getting pulled over by a cop for an illegal turn, and – who knows – maybe getting out of this part, I had to turn it off.

DNF: Did Not Finish

Truly. I couldn’t even complete this show. Maybe we can give the show credit for having the first 35 minutes all full of awkwardness and palpable fear, at least for us. The audience knows it’s going to go wrong, so when we have scenes focusing on the lime-cutting-knife, we know it’s actually going to end up the future-murder-weapon-knife. But the show is just too painful to watch. This isn’t suspense, it’s agony and dread.

[rating given=”0″ half=”true” possible=”5″]


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