Peanut Butter Chocolate Animal Crackers |

Peanut Butter Chocolate Animal Crackers

love animal crackers. Sure, you can say they’re bland and boring, but you won’t change my mind. They’re delicious in the mornings, and in the evenings, and particularly when I snack on them with various dips. Recently, I had some left over ganache in the fridge and paired that with a spoonful of Jif… the results were perfect: peanut butter chocolate animal crackers should be a regular thing. Or maybe they’re just better off as my indulgent snack!

Peanut Butter Chocolate Animal Crackers |

Quick and easy, plus super affordable, these are treats you should… treat… yourself to! I’m a rebel and just dip my crackers into the jar, but maybe you’re trying to teach some good habits in your household, so a spoonful of each into a small cup should suffice – enjoy!

Peanut Butter Chocolate Animal Crackers |

What snack is your guilty pleasure?


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