Immediately after returning from Belfast (we got home around midnight and had to be on the bus by 8am) a day trip to Stonehenge & Bath was coordinated through my institution. For only £25, it seemed like a pretty good deal!
Where I Went
Stonehenge and Bath with my flatmates, as an event offered through my organization at a discounted rate.
How I Got There
We did a coach tour, which was nice because as we drove about there was a commentary. I liked this, because it made the otherwise uneventful ride quite interesting. However, being on a bus makes it pretty hard to really know or see what is being discussed. So, you know, pros and cons. Whatever your deal kind of is. Though I’m not sure what your Bath & (especially) Stonehenge options are if you don’t have your own car.
What I Did
Leaving at 8am, we arrived at Stonehenge by about 9:30. I would definitely recommending getting there early – by about 10:00 the place was packed with groups like us!
After, we headed off to Bath, saw the No. 1 Royal Crescent, and eventually got to the Roman Baths museum for our reservation.
The museum was set up in a pretty interesting manner, and I thought this Temple Pediment was especially cool…
Butttt maybe that’s because I’m techy and they had this cool overlay that kind of went through a couple different designs to provide viewers with more information about the history. #nerdstatus
Obviously, the coolest parts were the hot baths that unfortunately you couldn’t go into or touch. But if you look closely they kind of bubble… haha. At the end there’s a bit you’re able to drink, as well. It’s not tasty.
We had a little bit of down time to grab a bit to eat, then it was back to the bus to get home. I think got back on time at 6pm, so we were out for approximately 10 hours. I’d say about 4 were spent off the bus, which honestly leaves a lot of time just driving around… I definitely would have appreciated a chance to be on my own to explore a bit more and have some extra time!
How Much I Spent
£25 plus £7 on food. I didn’t get any souvenirs here, but if you want any bring some extra ££!
Where have you been/would you like to see in Stonehenge or Bath?
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