DIY Advent Calendar

Advent Calendar

In a burst of romanticism and creativity, I decided to make Kristofer his own advent calendar. After all, I’ve always loved them (though last year was the first time I ever had my own). So, I got out a bunch of leftovers (because the best projects are free) and got to work.

DIY Advent Calendar

I took one of the bigger canvases I had – that I’d been saving for a different project, of course – and used left over paint from the room I was going to hang the calendar.

DIY Advent Calendar

Honestly, a foam brush was pretty difficult to use. But with a little patience (and a double coat) it made a nice green. :)

DIY Advent Calendar

I knew I needed something stronger than a layer of canvas, so I cut down a cardboard box just larger than the canvas frame. Taking care not to stretch said canvas, I packed it between the canvas and frame.

DIY Advent Calendar

DIY Advent Calendar

The last corner was the most challenging. Just be careful and it’ll be fine.

DIY Advent Calendar

Next, I needed to make the project more complicated… it was just too straight forward so far! (Just kidding.) I wanted a way to hang a card for each day, so I used some paper clips laying around and twisted them into hooks. But, you know, a simple tack would work just as well – since we put that cardboard in the back!

DIY Advent Calendar

I cut out scrapbook squares 3″ x 3″, used a rounded corner punch, and put some beautiful holes in the top.

DIY Advent Calendar

Using the first sharp object I came across, an awl, I laid out the squares and used them to punch my holes. Next I took all of the 25 hooks and pushed them into each hole. To really secure each hook, I pushed them into the layers of cardboard – not in front or behind it.

DIY Advent Calendar

And, just to finish it up, I added key tags to label each day!

DIY Advent Calendar

Here’s a sneak peak. Don’t tell Kristofer though, I’m making him wait until each morning for the next. :p


2 responses to “Advent Calendar”

  1. What a cute idea! Now I want to make my own. :)

  2. […] though, so he took the left over scrapbook paper from the garland we made together (as part of his advent calendar – on the same night we made Christmas light wine bottles, actually) and put tiny rings […]

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