About 3 weeks in to the semester, and it’s starting to settle down. For now. Until all the work I’ve been skipping starts catching up with me. And begins ‘the excuses of a busy girl’.
But what have I been doing? Well, I’ve been working 31 hours a week, taking 15 credits, and then topping it off with 10 or more hours a week doing work for RUB Entertainment. This last week, I’ve been rushing Alpha Phi Omega, a service fraternity. When I started, I underestimated the ‘fraternity’ part – I mean, I’m joining for the service, after all! But I’m all in, now.
In summary, weeks are impossible. And really, weekends have either been busy with start of the year business (like RUB retreats, and APO service events) or family travel. So what did I do with this weekend, and my first stretch of ‘FREE’?
…clean. :( I’ve been fitting in some bursts of fun here and there though!
First, I had to take a personality test for my Software Engineering class, and it has been providing me with plenty of amusement!
It is based on Hippocrates’ four temperaments: choleric, melancholic, sanguine, and phlegmatic. I scored as ‘melancholic’ – and I can certainly see that sometimes. Realizing it has a name is the fun part though, I’ve already been told I need to be the one to reach out to my friends first sometimes or that I read into the words being said too much. Other temperaments had similar statements I could relate to, too.
Then, I finished up my nail and thread “authenticity” and wrote a nice, in depth, tutorial for Uncommon Flock! I still need to get a better photo, but I’m working on it, I promise. ;) Recently, I’m working on a post with a bunch of inspiration for creating your own. Even I want to create another already!
Right now, I’m listening to the new Matchbox Twenty album, North. It always makes me think of Something Corporate’s CD, North, for obvious reasons.
This week is a RUB Theme Week, more Rush, meetings all over the place, classes, work, a study abroad information session, and more. I have this really bad habit of being interested in everything, and trying to get involved in it all, too. I’ve had to be really careful of what I sign up for this year. And obviously I’m still overly busy. Today I even gave in and emailed about joining a software development club!
Most recently, I’ll have to tell you about the photography lighting set up I just bought! …After I finish that Dreamweaver lesson plan I volunteered to write and present, of course. I’m determined to keep up my goal of posting regularly, though. Not as often as during the summer. But Wednesdays and Saturdays as a minimum. Hold me to it!
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