Smores Dip: bananas with chocolate, peanut butter, and fluff!

Smores Dip: bananas with chocolate, peanut butter, and fluff

You know what I’ve been noticing recently? That about half of the desserts I want to make recently have called for sweetened condensed milk. Unfortunately, I totally forgot to add it to this recipe… Smores Dip: bananas with chocolate, peanut butter, and fluff!

Smores Dip: bananas in chocolate, peanut butter, & fluff!

Remember how I mentioned this on Saturday? How I fulfilled my Friday chocolate quota with this awesome recipe? Well, we can officially count it as a success… even my own messed up version.


  • 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips, semi sweet
  • 1 cup mini marshmallows
  • 2 tbsp corn syrup
  • 2 large dollops peanut butter
  • graham crackers & bananas for dipping!


  • Melt chocolate chips, transfer to bowl.
  • Melt peanut butter (works extremely quickly!), transfer to bowl.
  • Melt marshmallows & corn syrup, transfer to bowl.
  • Mix & dip!

Smores Dip: bananas in chocolate, peanut butter, & fluff!

Slowly melt your chocolate over the lowest heat until soft & creamy.

Smores Dip: bananas in chocolate, peanut butter, & fluff!

Add it to your bowl, it’ll be your base layer.

Smores Dip: bananas in chocolate, peanut butter, & fluff!

Next, add two large spoonfuls of peanut butter to the same pan. This will melt extremely quickly, so stir & keep an eye on it. (I didn’t even have a change to take a picture.!) Pour over chocolate layer.

Smores Dip: bananas in chocolate, peanut butter, & fluff!

Now, if you have fluff, you can just melt it. But, if you’re like me, and your boyfriend bought marshmallows BOGO, it was easier to use them than go to the grocery store. So, using a 1 cup to 2 tbsp ratio, mini marshmallows to corn syrup, melt into fluff! (I actually found a pin to make the fluff completely from scratch, which might have been even more fun!) (Notice I didn’t bother cleaning the pot… you’re just gonna mix it all up, anyway!)

Smores Dip: bananas in chocolate, peanut butter, & fluff!

Go ahead and pour this over your layers, and mix, artfully!

Smores Dip: bananas in chocolate, peanut butter, & fluff!

Create your presentation…

Smores Dip: bananas in chocolate, peanut butter, & fluff!

AND EAT. Yum. It. Was. Good. Albeit a little chewy.

Once the combination cooled, it turned into this soft, dough-like texture. Definitely not ideal for dipping. I could reheat it slowly over the stove, but instead I pushed it into the bottom of a pan. Now I’m on the hunt for the perfect recipe to put on top of it. I think anything cool-whip based will be amazing. My father used to make a jello, pretzel, cool-whip masterpiece my mom would rave about, so I might look into a similar styled idea!




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