No Bake Cake!

Because my father is

  1. Lactose intolerant and
  2. Addicted to Publix’s birthday cake ice cream,

I decided it was necessary to try these no milk cake batter truffles. They were delicious! But really, my father doesn’t like truffles, so I should have known these wouldn’t be a replacement. Instead, he’d rather eat a third a carton and just feel sick later! I sent them home with Kristofer, who was much more appreciative!

via my pin or loveveggiesandyoga

And, for your reading convenience:


  • 1 c vanilla cake mix
  • 1/4 c sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp agave (optional and you can just use all sweetened condensed milk if you don’t have agave on hand)
  • 1.5 to 2 c chocolate chips

Yields: 20 to 30 truffles depending on size preference.  Store in refrigerator or freezer. Directions:

  1. In a mixing bowl combine all ingredients, except chocolate chips, and stir to combine.
  2. This mixture should be quite solid and not runny, but not so dry that you can’t mold it into balls.  If you find that your mixture is a little too runny, add a touch more cake mix.  If it’s a little too dry, add more sweetened condensed milk/agave.
  3. After you’ve made the dough, refrigerate or freeze for 15 minutes and then remove and roll into balls.
  4. After the balls have been made, refrigerate or freeze for 15 minutes minutes or until well-chilled, ensuring the melted chocolate will adhere and set up properly.
  5. Melt the chocolate chips, and dip the chilled cake batter balls into melted chocolate.  Use parchment paper when working with melted chocolate.  Place truffles in freezer or fridge to set up.

For additional information, see original post. Make them, and enjoy!


2 responses to “No Bake Cake!”

  1. I’m glad you liked my recipe!

    1. It was delicious! I still have 2 precious pieces remaining… I just don’t want them to be all gone! <3

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