Spaghetti Squash Spaghetti: if you haven't tried it yet, you should!

Cooking Spaghetti Squash: The Adventure

When Kristofer was visiting, we challenged ourselves to cook dinner. Hey! That isn’t even the challenging part yet! We needed to:

  1. Agree on the meal and
  2. Make something healthy.

Honestly, that shouldn’t even have been too difficult, right? Well, ideas weren’t exactly flying. Everything Kristofer suggested was unhealthy, and all my ideas were snacks. Plus, I’m on my whole Pinterest kick, so our inspiration pretty much consisted of the 15 or so pins I had on my meal board at the time.

Our to-cook decision:

After some discussion, we agreed to try spaghetti squash, a how-to from dashingdish. A pasta replacement, it has 1/5 as many calories and 1/5 as many carbs!

To cook it, you literally buy the squash, fork out the insides, and cook them up in some spices. Then, to make our Spaghetti Squash Spaghetti, Kristofer and I browned some ground turkey meat, threw a jar of sauce over it, and then sautéed everything together.

Forked Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti Squash

In the end, the hardest part was this: finding the squash. Having read the directions first this time (see Gift Wrap Bow Nails for that lesson…) we knew what the squash was supposed to look like. But once we found squash in the grocery store, they didn’t look the same! The secret? Spaghetti is a type of squash! I’d kind of gotten this idea while reading the directions, but I’d never seen or heard of it before, so I hadn’t quite put it all together at first.

Cooked Spaghetti Squash Spaghetti

The result?

Well, I love Spaghetti! This was definitely an adventure, and I’m so glad we tried it! Personally, I found the squash very different than usual. (Which is intended, of course.) In the end, I’d have preferred to just use whole wheat noodles. Kristofer, on the other hand, took it home with him when he left – to finish all the leftovers. Even though I probably won’t make this again, I had an absolute blast shopping for it and making it, and I’d recommend anyone who hasn’t tried it yet does so soon!


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