An early morning song

I had to wake up at an obnoxious hour this morning – 6:40 AM. Though I can’t decide if it was good or unfortunate, I woke up often that morning, starting at around 3. By 6:40, I was more than ready to be awake.

Walking back from opening the Architecture lab, at around 7:25, I heard, searched, and found a pretty bird. Can you see him in the above photo? I felt startled, being able to hear the woodpecking – whether it was the silence of the campus or the silence of my thoughts.

When I went to take my photos, because I am naturally private of works in progress, I decided if someone asked me about my camera, I’d tell them I had heard a pretty bird and was now determined to capture its soul for myself. I felt it was appropriately dramatic and comedic.

Normally I’d keep this silliness to myself, but

  1. I love my bird, and I want to share him
  2. I love the book I finished, and I want to share it.

So, speaking (writing) of poetic thoughts to the most simple ideas, everyone who enjoys subtly subtle books needs to read The Kingkiller Chronicle: Day One – The Name of the Wind. I’ve just finished the second and I’m anxious for the third. (It took me a while, if it isn’t clear from the wear and tear of the cover- from carrying it around constantly.)

Though I’ll admit the characters needs some work differentiating, and they’re clearly his first novels, AND it’s obvious everyone was tired of editing by the end of the second book (based on the number of typos), it’s captivating and exhilarating. And maybe if you wait a year to start it, and then force yourself to take another year to finish the two, you’ll only have to wait one more year for the third book. :p


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