Money Taxi

Role: Interface Designer
Software: Illustrator, Photoshop
Purpose: Based on the TV game show “Cash Cab”, Money Taxi was born. All aspects of the game show are, in some form, included in this on-the-go mobile application, built originally in Android and later in iOS. With the assistance of a friend, switch roles and allow the the car passengers to quiz the driver!
Personally responsible for UI creation and design. Offered counseling for game design and advice for graphic use/placement. Was not responsible for game coding nor had any hand in UI code. Few assets were not created by myself and not all created assets were utilized as intended. Final product includes fully functional GPS-driven game for both Android and iOS.

1 splash

2 main

3 how to play

4 destination

7 question played

8 answer

6 pause

10 video bonus ques

11 video bonus vid

13 red light challenge

12 won

14 lost

15 lights