Custom Christmas Ornaments

Since I’ve moved off to college, I’ve realized how much I don’t want to spend money on items with a short life span, plus how little room I have! So, my first year at school I got a small fake tree from CVS (only $15!) and have held on to it for a loving 4 years… It doesn’t really have any ornaments, though.

So for about $12, Kristofer and I picked up 8 clear, glass balls. And filled them with little trinkets from around the house!

Custom Christmas Ornaments

I have a whole chest full of craft supplies, so we rustled through there first. I popped some of these pom poms into an ornament…

Custom Christmas Ornaments

So Kristofer followed up by twisting UF colors together and putting that into another. Needless to say, we’ve put his amateur ornament near the back of the tree. ;)

Custom Christmas Ornaments

He was determined to step up his game though, so he took the left over scrapbook paper from the garland we made together (as part of his advent calendar – on the same night we made Christmas light wine bottles, actually) and put tiny rings inside. Of course, this took him, approximately, forever.

Custom Christmas Ornaments

Covering an ornament with glitter is super easy – just put a bunch of water inside, swirl it around, and empty. Then, fill with glitter and shake! The excess can be dumped out and used again. :)

Custom Christmas Ornaments

Kristofer pipe cleaner did give the idea for this little guy, though! At first I had filled him with googly eyes… but he needed the ‘stache more.

Custom Christmas Ornaments

This ornament is easily the most expensive. Since Kristofer and I can be really big tech nerds, we got all excited when we saw strings of tiny, battery operated LED lights (~$8). I uncoiled them a little and put them inside – they coiled back up just the right amount. He has the battery cord trailing out the top, and I turn him on to “pulse” for a soothing atmosphere.

Custom Christmas Ornaments

Here’s what the tree looks like now! Of course, I’m down to 6 ornaments…

Custom Christmas Ornaments

One broke!

Custom Christmas Ornaments

And the other – my favorite (catnip!) – I have given up and left on the floor, because the cats are always pulling it down anyway. :p

What would you put inside yours??


2 responses to “Custom Christmas Ornaments”

  1. I love these custom Christmas ornament ideas. These hold so much more meaning than anything you would buy from the store. I agree that it’s not worth buying things from the store that have a short lifespan. Thank you for sharing your creativity!

  2. I agree that original gift ideas will always be treasured. These are great for some inspiration. Thanks

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